Earth Boring Equipment
Earth Boring Equipment Fabrication and Repair: Nye performs repairs, modifications and also fabricates specialized earth boring equipment. Our expertise and special skills were gained through more than 50 years in the business. Please call us today for a quote, let us put our experience to work for you.
Casing Clamp fabrication and repair
- Total restoration of client’s casing clamps.
- We always reinforce to stronger than new.
- Fabricate new and stronger Casing Clamps.
Kelly Bar refurbishment
- All aspects of Kelly Bar repair.
- Drive Splines.
- Shells.
- Buffer Springs.
- Stops.
- Ability to disassemble and repair the entire kelly assembly.
- We have specialized tools and techniques for kelly repair.
Kelly Bar Grinder
- Specialized equipment designed and built in-house.
- Purposely built to resurface kelly bar splines.
- Better, and faster repair process.
- Prevents damage to rotary drive shells.
- This tool is used to machine splines after they have been built up with weld.
Rotating Hydraulic Forks
- Fully Hydraulic.
- Custom rotation.
- Pin-on and QC.
- Designed and built for handling shoring and erecting drill casing.
Strand brake
- We look at the application and solve the problem.
- Specialized strand brakes fabricated to order.
- Guaranteed to perform.
- Designed to safely control the strand when dispensing from a strand pack.
Custom Auger Drive Adapter
- Fabricated to meet customer’s specifications.
- Custom Auger drive stand.
- Fabricated to order.
Hydraulic Rotating Wire Brush
- Wire ropes are easily replaceable.
- Pin-on or QAU versions for mini excavators.
- Specially designed to clean long augers as they are withdrawn from the ground.
Down Hole Extractor
- Heavy Duty Easy-out.
- Hammer Extractor fastens to whatever you want to pull.
- Operator can pull up or push down twisting simultaneously.
- Purposely designed for extracting broken down hole hammers and drill steel.
Mechanical Casing Clamp
- Heavy Duty large mechanical casing clamp.
- One sided bolt adjustment.
- Facilitate the hoisting or suspension of casing into a hole.
Kelly Adapter
- Custom designed to fit the shape of your kelly square.
- Kelly drive square.
- Kelly box adapter.